Well, yes. You’re right. It only took me three years to realize it. You must consider the usual author learning curve. I was a project leader and Six Sigma Blackbelt for twenty years, not an author or a stinking marketeer!
Thanks to the Peoria Journal Star for the fine picture. I bought it, and you can too at the link from the above photo.
You can also read their report on the PeoriaCon here.
Now let me tell you my convention experience and why I waited three years to go to a comic con.
PeoriaCon Andy Zach’s First ComicCon – Why Now?
First, I didn’t know about comic cons. I figured I was a Fantasy/SF author, so I went to Chambanacon in November 2016. It was close and less expensive. The World ComicCon was five times more per table, plus hotel and travel. And it was crazy, like me.
Then at Chambanacon, I met author Rey who loves comic cons and recommended I go to one. I didn’t want to spend the money. According to my computations I’d need to sell a hundred books to break even, so I actually was reasonable by not going.
I liked Chambancon enough to return in 2017 and 2018. Then, at the urging of my Secret Supers editor Leslie McKie, I also attended Penned Con 2018.

PennedCon was perhaps twice as big as Chambanacon and I got twice the

PeoriaCon Andy Zach’s First ComicCon – What happened?
Then the PeoriaCon opportunity came. It was only a mile from my house! I had a blast, paid less than Chambanacon, and doubled my sales!
Speaking of sales, did you know Zombie Turkeys is on sale for only .99?
Since you’re a faithful blog reader, I’ll tell you how to get Zombie Turkeys for free. Subscribe to my newsletter through Book Cave.
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If you’ve never subscribed, then sign up here and get a short story, ‘A Phoenix Tale’.
Finally, join me and artist Ian Bristow tomorrow on Facebook as we reveal the ‘Secret Supers’ cover. Here’s a portion of the cover.