Free Book Excerpt Tomorrow Andy Zach Reading At Lit-On-Fire Bookstore

Yes, it’s true. Andy Zach will read at Lit-On-Fire Open Mike Wednesday in Peoria Illinois. And, if you’re there, you’ll get a Free Book Excerpt reading. Here are more details.
Andy will read excerpts from the first volume of his “Life After Life Chronicles” Zombie Turkeys.

But beyond the Zombie Turkeys reading will be a never before heard in public reading of the next book in the series, My Undead Mother-in-law.

I’m so excited and it’s still a day away!
What Have You Been Doing Andy, Besides the Free Book Excerpt?
Phoenixes are flying about the house! I’m writing my story about how I got them from Saudi Arabia and they’re excited about it! There goes one now!

Now you’ve got to realize these illustrations are merely artists’ conceptions of what they look like. My own phoenixes look quite different, but I can’t publish pictures of them without their permission. I can’t violate their privacy.
Be sure to watch this space for the FREE SHORT STORY to come on my phoenixes.
What’s The Latest News About My Undead Mother-in-law?
I’ve sent my manuscript to my editor Dori Harrell. She’s already replied with some feedback. After she edits my book, I’ll send out copies to reviewers and advanced readers.
Last Friday I read the excerpt aloud to my authors’ group and they all loved it. I also recorded it on a video yesterday! Plus, I recorded two new excerpts from Zombie Turkeys.
You didn’t know I did videos? Check it out!
I intend to create an audiobook of Zombie Turkeys this year. In fact, I’m offering a free copy monthly to my newsletter subscribers. If you haven’t joined yet, now’s the chance to get in on the free gravy train. Just go to our main page, put in your email and click on Subscribe.
I’ll be back here blogging about the reading and give you a full action report later this week.