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My Undead Mother-in-law Progress Update

Here’s an update on My Undead Mother-in-law progress. This is the sequel to Zombie Turkeys .  I just completed the Week 4 phase of My Undead Mother-in-law! Now onto my last chapter! I’ve completed novel for November, hitting fifty thousand words–in January! So much for My Undead Mother-in-law Progress!
[mybookprogress progress=”1″ phase_name=”Week 4″ deadline=”1480464000″ book=”3″ book_title=”My Undead Mother-in-law” bar_color=”CB3301″ cover_image=”183″]

Get the background on My Undead Mother-in-law

My Undead Mother-in-law Progress
Click on the Zombie Turkeys book buy a copy!

Buy Zombie Turkeys here on Amazon.

You can read an excerpt of Zombie Turkeys here.

Listen to an excerpt of Zombie Turkeys here on Youtube.

Click here for Andy Zach’s Youtube channel.

Click here to follow Zombie Turkeys on Facebook.

What Will My Undead Mother-in-law Cover Look Like?

Well you may ask. I have a whole blog post about it!

First, click here to read how I made the Zombie Turkeys cover.

Next, click here to see the Zombie Turkeys graphic novel proposals.

Now, visualize an undead mother-in-law.  Got her?  She’ll be on the back cover.

Simplify that visual, and make it into a symbol.  That’ll be the front cover. Use the same artist, Sean Flanagan, as for Zombie Turkeys.

Finally, What’s Next?

Watch this website for the latest news on novels by Andy Zach from the Life After Life Chronicles.  Or, better yet, subscribe for the newsletter by clicking here.

This is Andy Zach, signing off for now!

My Undead Mother-in-law Progress
Andy Zach in Repose
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The Making of Zombie Turkeys Book Covers

Zombie Turkeys Book Covers
The Zombie Turkeys Book Covers

I’ve had more positive comments for Zombie Turkeys book covers than for my book!  And my book is great! But just about everyone loves the covers, especially the front cover. I thought writing about how we made the Zombie Turkeys book covers would be interesting to my readers.

I’ve chatted with long time authors at Chabanacon and they too loved the cover. When I told them how we did it, they were envious that I as a self-published author had the freedom to do whatever I wished. Those who go through established publishing companies do not have complete control over their covers.

I’ve also talked with other self-published authors, who did make their own covers. These indie authors also loved Zombie Turkeys cover. They had purchased or made their artwork for their covers. They wished they had access to a professional artist, like I did.


How It All Began

Zombie Turkeys Book Covers
Chicago’s Navy Pier

Continue reading The Making of Zombie Turkeys Book Covers

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Andy Zach Author Appearance on Facebook

Did You Miss It? Andy Zach Author Appearance

Andy Zach Author Appearance
How much of this beer is your tears? For missing the Andy Zach Author Appearance?

Did you  miss the Andy Zach Author Appearance? I know you’re crying in your beer, but take take solace: I’ve recorded everything right here!

But before I tell you anything about what I said, let me tell you about the event: SciFan Magazine Relaunch. For some reason, Amazon banned the magazine for a while; now it’s back on Amazon.

Andy Zach Author Appearance
SciFan Magazine: Click Image to go to their site.

You can buy the magazine on Kindle by clicking the image above.

What Was Andy Zach Doing At the Launch Event?

Let me tell you.
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