2017: The year of My Undead Mother-in-law
I thought I’d review 2017: The year of My Undead Mother-in-law. I know, everyone else does this at the end of 2017. Don’t expect normal behavior from a comic paranormal animal author!
(Hint to impatient people: the good stuff is at the end!)

January 2017: First Author Appearance and . . .
I was on my last chapter of my first draft of My Undead Mother-in-law and I appeared at the bookstore I Know You Like A Book.
Read all about it here.
Up next is . . .
February 2017: Filing Author Taxes plus My Undead Mother-in-law Closing
Yup, authors have to file taxes, so I blogged about it here.
And I also told about my agonies in closing out the first draft of My Undead Mother-in-law here.
I’m sure the Newby family would approve!

March 2017: Editing My Undead Mother-in-law and more!
Finally, I finished my first draft! That meant I had to edit it now. I document all the details right here, in 6 Editing Tips. But that wasn’t good enough. I had to continue the thought with 6 More Editing Tips here.
I also gave away my newsletter and books away then. I still do today!
April 2017: An Author Appearance and Income Tax Filing, O My!
I appeared at Her Majesty’s Tea Room in Dunlap Illinois. You’ll get the full report here.
Then I did my own comparison of three common tax programs for April 15th at this blog link.
What’s the ‘O My’ for? This!
May 2017: Professional Editing Begins!
I got my book to my editor Dori Harrell earlier than Zombie Turkeys. There’s always trepidation that my second book wouldn’t be as good as the first. I tried to make it better. I heard back from her in June.
With that, I fixed My Undead Mother-in-law’s publication date to July 2017–on Amazon.
I also had my author reading at the Lit On Fire bookstore in Peoria. Finally, I announced my short story ‘A Phoenix Tale’, was available for free, even today.
June 2017: Excitement for Publication Builds
First, I revealed my front and back covers and gave away free books.
Then I gave away my newsletter and shared my latest reviews for Zombie Turkeys.
Zombie Turkeys front cover. Click to get a copy!
July 2017: My Undead Mother-in-law ebook Published
Then the paperback was published. That’s reality; it takes longer to get the paperback book published on CreateSpace than the ebook on Kindle.
I also had this author interview by MacKenzie Flohr. Expect to laugh when you read it!
August 2017: I’m So Busy! Book Launch, Interviews, and More!
First, there was the Book Launch itself at Barnes and Noble and also online on Facebook.
I had an internet radio interview here, in Jesse’s Coffee shop.
I also had a TV appearance in Peoria which you can watch here.
September 2017: Funny Reviews Here!
You don’t want to miss these hilarious reviews of My Undead Mother-in-law.
The other big development was I began to produce my Zombie Turkeys audiobook! Read about it here.

That brings us to the next month.
October 2017: The Anniversary of Zombie Turkeys and . . .
To celebrate all month I blogged about the very best of Zombie Turkeys on the internet.
I also wrote my first guest blog right here, ‘What Drew Me to Write Horror Stories’.
Now we’re up to —
November 2017: Zombie Turkeys Audiobook Published!
I was so thrilled I fell behind in NaNoMo! My new novel’s name Paranormal Privateers.I worked so hard winning NaNoMo (by writing 50,000+ words), I didn’t write any blog posts. Until December 1st.
Be sure you listen to the audio sample of Zombie Turkeys! That came out in November.
Finally, we come to:
December 2017: A Wild and Wonderful Year Closes
For my year end gift to my fans, I gave some advanced reader excerpts of Paranormal Privateers.
For my very last post I give you 3 media kit tips and still more excerpts.
And now you, faithful reader, know what my year was like!
If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a gift! Reply to this post, or contact me and I’ll send you a free Zombie Turkeys ebook!