12 Days of Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style
What is ‘Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style’? How do Zombie Turkeys celebrate the 12 days of Christmas?

Regardless of what you’ve imagined or dreamt about celebrating Christmas with zombie turkeys, it’s far, far more. Let’s begin at the beginning.
Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style – It Starts NOW
That’s right, today. To every newsletter subscriber I’ll send out the chance to get a free book, every day, for twelve days, from December 25th to January 5th. Here’s the start of the Wikipedia article:
The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, “ChristmasDay” is considered the “First Day of Christmas” and the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January, inclusive.[1]
“But wait, Andy!” you say, “How does it start now?”
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Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style – How You and Your Friends Get Free Books
Zombie Turkeys in Shedd Aquarium. Click to get audiobook
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Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style -What’s in it for existing subscribers?
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Christmas, Zombie Turkey Style -Start Now!
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