The 12 Christmas Links – Will You Laugh? That’s what I want to know. Let’s start with the first link:
The NORAD Santa Tracker
I first learned about the NORAD Santa Tracker in 2000, 20 years ago. I was quite cracked up that a branch of the US military would put up this elaborate web site to track Santa’s sleigh around the world. Each year the site became more sophisticated and elaborate.
Here’s the live Youtube feed:
It’s been fun following NORAD through the years with my children, from their teenage years to adulthood. My daughter follows them on Alexa.
Up next is this blast from Christmas past.
1981 Merry Christmas
12 Christmas Links – 1981 Merry Christmas
I lived through Ronald Reagan’s Presidency, from 1981, when I was 25 to 1989, when I was 33 and married for three years.
Now, let’s have a little Christmas entertainment coming up.
My Favorite Christmas Jazz
You know it and love it too. Here you go!
Interestingly, the drummer is 78-years-old Jerry Granelli, who is the last surviving member of the “Vince Guaraldi Trio”. The Trio consisted of Guaraldi on piano, Fred Marshall on bass and Jerry Granelli on drums. They, of course, recorded the original soundtrack for “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.
For my fourth link, I go to a classic from Tchaicovsky, ‘The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” as rendered in this next clip:
Link 4 – A Classic Movie and Music Clip
Have you seen Fantasia? How about Fantasia 2000? Let me know what you think of them.
Your Fifth Link – My Favorite Christmas Movie
Since I’ve breached the movie genre, let’s continue in that vein with this classic:
I first saw ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ as a young adult and I thought it was wonderful. What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Tell me, and I’ll give you a free audiobook.
12 Christmas Links – My Favorite Light Display Next
I play Wizards in Winter every year at Christmas.
Your Seventh Link – My Favorite Traditional Carol
But I’ve got more carols for you. Look to the following link.
Your Eighth Link – Non-traditional Christmas Carol
I love Carman! What sort of music do you like? Each response gets a free audiobook. Or you can join my newsletter here. Newsletter subscribers get all my audiobooks free.
You’ve got more coming up! Check out the eighth link below.
Next? The History of Christmas Carols
Do You Like Christmas Books?
A lot of writers create stories or books for Christmas. I haven’t done that yet, but this is the best I’ve on the subject. You’ll enjoy it for its own sake as a children’s book.
Let me know about your favorite book, Christmas or not. I’ll gladly give you an audiobook.
Now for a Christmas Laugh
This is the original and official video to go with this famous Christmas comedy song.
For my last link, let’s talk about the reason for the season.
12 Christmas Links – The Reason for the Season

Opinion: There’s never been a better Christmas . . .
And with that, let me wish you and your loved ones and very merry Christmas!
[…] What could be the best thing about December? Maybe, Christmas? […]